Important: all cats and all dogs within the city must be sterilized before June 30, 2017.
There are many advantages to sterilizing your animal.

  • Helps limit the overpopulation of domestic animals;

  • Significantly decreases cancers and uterine and ovarian diseases among female animals;

  • Significantly decreases aggressive behaviours, observed mainly among male animals.

The guardian of a cat or dog is not subject to the requirement to sterilize the animal if he or she is in one of the following situations:

  • The animal is under 6 months of age or is 10 years of age or older;

  • Sterilization is prohibited by a veterinarian for reasons of the health of the animal;

  • The cat is registered with the Canadian Cat Association (provide the pedigree at the time of issuance of the licence);

  • The dog is registered with the Canadian Kennel Club (provide the pedigree at the time of issuance of the licence);